breeks w tingx agn !! was reallyreally fun. talking+studying. and the toilet conver !! -dies.
so embarassing today !! was rocking my know how you tilt your chair till the whole weight is pivoted on only the front two legs or the front leg [realised ths sounds really physics] anws, was putting my pens n stuff back into my pencilcase when one pen was falling off the edge of the table so i reached front to grab it -- only that i forgot my position. and i totally came tumbling down -turns beet red- still remember yins' look of extreme shock n kpt asking if i was okay. and when i got up, the first person i turn to was tingx n she looked shocked and really amused ._. hmphs.
and everyone laughed after i sprang up and announced that i was fine. mrs koh just felt the importance to tell our class about this story about how she hit her head on the table while bowing to a teacher once ._.